I work through institutional critique, using direct action, intervention, and redistribution to recognize art’s systemic inter-relationship with neoliberal capitalism and the wealthy. My work takes multiple visual forms, including installations, performative public interventions, publications, and archival processes.

In previous works I have examined cultural work’s exploitative labour practices; the instrumentalization of cultural capital in gentrification of impoverished neighbourhoods; and the ways that public arts funding upholds neoliberal values. I am currently researching the intersection of philanthropy and mining, and how Canada’s financial, industrial, and military support of resource extraction undermines concessions to climate sustainability, indigenous sovereignty, workers' rights, or decolonization. Through in-depth research, I trace these collusions of institutionalized art with systems of financialization and the coercive pressure points of austerity budgets. I use my work to think about what exactly we in the arts community are doing and whose interests we are serving.